Brief Update

Have not posted in a while, and thought I should give a quick update on what is going on. So far everything is going according to plan. We are in process of organizing our life up in Denver to prepare to go on the road. Its amazing how much work it is to pack up your life!

We have been forsaking actual trip planning for preparing to move, hopefully this won’t come back to bite us. The only thing I am worried about is lodging in eastern europe during August.

Finally, we have altered our trip in eastern europe. We are most likely cutting out Lithunia, Eastonia and Russia. We want to go to all those countries but think we were being too aggressive in our timelines.

1 Comment

  1. Michael and Ashley, we are living vicariously through you! Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures.
    The going away party pics rock.

    Pres & Vice Pres of your blog's fan club – Ward & Rebecca

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